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I'm The Kramer of Pink Ribbons (Seinfeld Reference)

Dear World,

I just want you to know I love you and appreciate you, as I appreciate every person's right to an opinion and their ways of expressing themselves. With that said, please do not approach me via email, text, Instagram or Facebook with any hype on the pink ribbon events coming up in October.

Yes, I am a woman who was diagnosed last November with breast cancer, and had pink ribbons thrown down her throat.  Long before the diagnosis, and since the pink ribbon campaign came out, I thought it was sweet, but I never bought in to it for some reason, call it insight.  I call it my subconscious mind knowing better all along.  

It is true that since the pink ribbon campaign mammograms have increased hugely, which is awesome, but what they don't tell you is roughly 18.8% of the money taken in each year by the SGK Foundation goes towards research, the rest of the money goes towards paying the big wigs' salaries and promotional events. They don't tell you companies, like Estee Lauder, who campaign pink ribbons have cancer-causing ingredients in their product.  I'm not hear to bash the foundation, because there are documentaries and your own time for research to discover all of that. I'm here to say, keep all your pink, because I prefer purple, not because purple represents anything it just makes me happy.

Yes, I kicked breast cancer's ass. I don't even like the word survivor. I prefer ass kicker, because I picture someone fighting, winning, and wiping off his or her shoulders and not looking back.  I am still doing what my heart called me to do to fight it, with my new lifestyle, attitude, nutrition, and holistic journey. My journey is not your journey and vice versa, therefore I respect any choice that is made to be healthy and alive.

I'm not asking you to agree or disagree with me, because I'm simply a woman who does not believe in the Pink Ribbon hype. I have researched for a year, the various causes of breast cancer (by the way the diagnosis I received was due to fertility drugs and being misdiagnosed for over a year). I've researched ways to prevent it, ways to keep it away, ways to fight it, and ways to love life. I wish you all the best, but please keep your pink ribbons, UNLESS George Clooney wants me to wear one (and nothing else) to his bachelor party, then I will rethink this whole thing.

Thank you,

 Purple Loving Ass Kicking George Clooney Stalking Blogger  Extraordinaire

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