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A Simple Guide to Mixing Fabrics

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us!”


‘Tis the season for luxurious fabrics and styles…in fact, the more sparkly, glittery, fluffy and cozy the better.  It can be really fun to mix patterns, fabrics and styles and create some amazing looks that will really help you stand out and be noticed during the Holiday season.

Deciding which fabrics work together can be a little overwhelming, so here are some simple guidelines that you can work with if you are a little unsure of what may or may not work well together:

  1. Don’t try to be too “matchy” – I have noticed that when I try to match my the fabrics of my outfit too closely it just ends up failing miserably.
  2. Choose only fabrics or prints that you are comfortable wearing – if you are not someone that likes to have themselves introduced before they even speak, you will probably want to steer clear of prints like leopard, snake or sequins.
  3. Mixing leather with satin or lace is always a great “go to” look because it adds an element of femininity and softens the whole leather look.  Of course leather can fall into that category of being one of those fabrics that you really have to be comfortable wearing, so make sure that if you are going to wear it, you are really going to “rock it!”
  4. For a really luxurious look, pairing velvet with fur is not only classy but it is also really warm and cozy.
  5. Adding a loose wool sweater over a form fitting knitted or satin midi length skirt and a pair of sock booties adds lots of different fabrics and textures and is perfect for a really cold business day!
  6. Experimenting can be really fun, but also overwhelming if you are not sure what really works for you. Before you try anything on, it is always a good idea to hold the fabrics up against each other, and then also up against your body.  That way you can see objectively by looking at it while you’re not wearing it and also in a mirror against your body and skin tone.


These are just a few ideas you could use yourself, and adapt to work for your own unique style.  The outfit I am wearing shows mixing leather, velvet, snakeskin, fleece, and satin which is a lot of different fabrics and patterns, but it all works.  Each one is different enough that they compliment each other.  Even if you used just two or three of these different fabrics the look would still be really classy.



There are definitely some styles and trends that are a little more versatile, whereas others are definitely more edgy.  If you are more of a risk taker, experimenting with furs, leather and satin are a great way to create some really unique looks.  I love to experiment with leather and fur, because I really believe that they can both be worn for so many different occasions and can really transform an outfit from ordinary to unique.


You can shop my jacket by clicking link here, and see shopping links for the boots and a similar bag.


What are your go-to fabrics and what is the one fabric that you haven’t been brave enough to try?


I would love to hear from you…



from StyleQueenie.com http://ift.tt/2BUfP3g

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