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On An Island With You 1948

In the wake of Esther Williams death (June 6th) TCM played a 24 hour marathon. Did anyone watch? I ended up recording all of them and am slowing enjoying her films again. On An Island With You was her 12th film and a good one at that.

Esther is Roz, an actress who is filming a movie in the South Pacific with actor boyfriend Ricardo (Montalban). They slather her in self tanner and throw a sarong on her and off they go.

For continuity they bring in Lieutenant Larry (Lawford) to make sure they film looks legit. Little does Roz remember, but Larry met her a few years back and has had an obsessive crush on her every since. He makes this very clear early on. Roz wants nothing to do with him.

He vents his frustrations to assistant director Buckley (Durante) who helps him out best he can. Cyd Charisse is there too as Yvonne who seems depressed.

I would kill Cyd for this peasant top off her back!

Larry films a scene where he flies Roz around the island. When they yell, "cut" they realize Larry has flown away with Roz in tow! He takes her to the island where they met and tries to suck some face with her. She goes from mad to understanding to happy to irritated. Make up your mind woman!

One must not forget their orange lipstick when 
heading to the tropics.

The crew finds Roz and Buckley goes off to find Larry who is hanging out with the natives. Ricardo is furious but Roz starts to have a change of heart. Larry is still crazy about Roz, and doesn't seam worried that he is going to be arrested for kidnapping!

Roz still wants to marry Ricardo but she starts to question her love. Even a romantic synchronized swim can't get her mind of the current events. 

You will have to watch this cute film to see who Roz picks. But really it is a no brainer, who wouldn't want Peter Lawford?! This film is true to form with colorful dances, amazing wardrobe, and Esther swimming her heart out. I couldn't find any evidence, but Xavier Cugat has a beefy role in this film as himself naturally and is great. I love films with him and his band! A must see!

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