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Beauty Pageant Weekend Results, Opinion !

After a weekend loaded with Female and Males pageants here are my opinions....

Miss Intercontinental: Venezuela triumph did surprise me a bit ! Daniela is indeed a nice beauty but i wasn't expecting her with the crown. However once i saw her on stage she I could tell she has the right attitude and confidence to be a queen of the world. Her answer just seal the deal. Puerto Rico did look stunning but her final answer was her enemy.  The rest of the top 5 very graceful. Great results.

Miss Earth: Czech Republic took the crown and I am very happy. She is a typical Eastern European beauty and my second choice. Many criticism towards Philippines that I understand but obviously the judges saw something in her that lead her to that placement. She is not the most beautiful but definitely a very charming girl (Great Gown too). Venezuela and Brazil right on top with other two just show us that the Latin beauty is everywhere, gorgeous ladies.

Mister International: Hands down to the judges for picking a great top 5. Lebanon was the inevitable winner he is gorgeous. Singapur gave the Asian spice if the night while Slovenia and Slovakia are Handsome European men totally deserving their placement. Brazil honors the stereotype of his country by looking awesome too.

Mister World: Well I am confused with everything in this pageant the top 10 was not the best. Then from the three finalist i have to defend here the Philippines. He was the best looking of the 3. Colombia is ok he was my 6th pick ! I wish him the best and i let you be the judge.

Miss Global Teen: I didn't know this result until very early this morning and what an amazing surprise. Gorgeous Poland who was totally robbed at Miss World take the crown home, she is by far the most stunning winner this weekend. Bolivia ended 2nd and Canada 3th !! The three of them look so sweet and beautiful I cant be happier !! CONGRATULATIONS !!!

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